Mud Jacking
It is also used during larger foundation settlement, but not as a load-supporting part of the structural repair. Mudjacking consists of pumping a mixture of “mud” or “slurry” underneath a settling slab to lift and stabilize it. This injected material is a mixture of water, soil, sand and cement that cures to create a solid, stable fill. Uneven or sunken concrete is unsafe and unsightly, but it isn’t difficult to repair. Most often, it’s caused by soils that are compacted by the weight of the concrete (or through water erosion). This is quickly and easily repaired through a process called Mudjacking.

Mammoth uses mudjacking as a convenient and inexpensive way to lift pool decks, patios, driveways and other items made of concrete that is 3 to 6 inches thick. It is cheaper than pouring new concrete, and can often be completed in a day or two. It is used when a foundation is so weak that piers or pilings can not be installed. It should not be used under a foundation if there is a chance that the soils under the mud will expand. If soils under injected mud or concrete expand, the soils will push up on the overlying structure and move it upwards.
Mud jacking is effective for heavier concrete structures when used in conjunction with slab piers. It should not be considered as a standalone solution to lifting a footing or floor slab that has settled in your home.
In most cases, mud jacking alone will not be able to lift both a slab and the heavy partition walls that sit on top of it. In cases where mud jacking isn’t effective, we often recommend installing slab piers instead.

Mud Jacking Is a Better Solution for Foundation Repair
Every house or a building gets weaker after certain years and then it starts facing several issues like; cracks, gaping, and leakage. Mud jacking foundation repair is one of the most convenient and cost-effective methods. And it is very effective on the deep gaping and cracks problems. But to execute and practice this process effectively, you need to hire an experienced industry professional to do it appropriately.
The process involves heavy technical machine operations and it requires detailed technical training and practice to operate it properly. A non-professional individual can spoil everything a second. So, hiring a professional would be a great idea here.
Mud jacking is a technique that helps in repairing the foundation without disturbing the whole structure. The Mud (Mix of Cement, Soil, and Water) is pushed into the affected area with the help of a push pipe that throws the mud forcefully. The technique is used for leveling the concrete where it is settled down.
A mud jacking concrete slab is formed immediately to fill the gap and settle the concrete area. Unlike the old school methods, mud jacking allows you quickly fix the internal cracks and big gaps.
Although, old-school techniques of repairing the foundation are very popular among people. And they find it convenient too but it takes several days to complete the process for better results. But mud jacking is a quick-results method that is easy to perform and it can be used for extremely deep cracks and gaps. Mud jacking or concrete jacking technique must be applied for an easy and swift fix under some circumstances;
- Uneven Portions
- Sunken Porches
- Sagging Parking Lots
- Fractured Pool Decks
- Cracked Sidewalks
- Damaged Driveways
It is advisable that, if, you are facing foundation-related problems then instead of trying to repair it oneself, hire a mud jacking contractor in your city. You can search for one of the best mud jacking contractors in your town and get the jobs done professionally at affordable rates. He will not only work on your problem but he will fix it permanently. These contractors are professionally trained and have years of experience in the same field. So, they will also suggest the best possible solution for all types of foundation problems.
Mud pumping foundation repair or mud jacking foundation repair is an affordable method for one and all. Even among all the other foundation repair options, mud jacking is the cheapest method.
Mud jacking is costs less than half the cost of old school foundation repair methods and it is even less costly than the Polyurethane foam foundation repair method. So, you can consider it as the most convenient option for foundation repair.
- Mud Pumping is the cheapest foundation repair method available in the market right now.
- It takes a few hours to complete the job with desired results.
- You can hire a mud-jacking in Phoenix at an affordable price to get the job done professionally.
- It can resolve any kind of foundation-related problems for a long-run quality effect.
Mud jacking is the fastest and the most cost-effective foundation repair technique than other methods. - Fix various types of issues related to; shifting, erosion, and heaving without stressing much.
- Get the repair solutions for porches, walls, and stairs too.
- You can save lots of time and money by hiring a professional mud jacking contractor.
So, if you find this method convenient and cheapest yet impactful then you must try out it for foundation repair issues at your house or office building. It will reduce your annual maintenance cost and will have long life cycle.